Utilities must continue to purchase spare and replacement items required to support operations and maintenance of nuclear power plants, while recognizing that many of these items and the materials used to fabricate them may not originate from the original manufacturer. In today’s global marketplace, the rapid spread of manufacturing technology to new companies and regions has enabled quick and easy creation of counterfeit products that are difficult to distinguish from the genuine products. Significant vigilance must be expended to prevent inadvertent introduction of CFSI at any point of the nuclear supply chain procurement process - whether from suppliers or sub-suppliers. The situation may be acerbated by pressures to keep equipment and component replacement costs as low as possible. This two (half-day) workshop will provide a forum for discussion, knowledge exchange and best practices on how the supply chain can combat "Bad Actors".

It is because of our generous sponsors, we are able to offer this Workshop at no cost. Thank you to our event sponsors, OARO, NB Power, and Bruce Power.

Date: May 5 & 6, 2021

Time: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm each day


Bad Actors: 2021 CFSI Workshop

  • May 5 - 6, 2021